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Design Responses > About Parking Facilities > Case Studies >
Cycle Parking Amsterdam (NL)

A residential bike parking facility located in the basement of a block of flats. The basement has been reclaimed and rented from the landlord for the purpose of cycle storage and offers secure cycle parking to residents of the apartments above. The facility provides parking for some 50 bikes. Access to the facility is via a ramp on the stairs and goes directly onto the street. Two types of furniture are provided, wall mounted stands and double decker racks. Users can access the parking via a swipe card. Parking is available 24/24 for a small annual fee, and there is a surveillance camera.

Residents' cycle group

Designer / Architect
Majolein de Lange

Cost of provision

• The facility has been designed by users, and its look and feel reflects this
• Even the dismount zone outside has been the subject of redesign by the cyclists’ group who use the facility. They campaigned to have a car space removed and the kerb lowered to make it easier for cyclists to cycle up to the entrance
• The council appears to have supported the initiative of the residents, providing some assistive funding and co-operating with adaptations to the streetscape

• Co-operation by the estate bicycle user group and Sanctuary Housing are essential to the success of the bikepark

Useful References


©2008 // DESIGN AGAINST CRIME RESEARCH CENTRE // LONDON WC1B 4AP fully funded by the AHRC / EPSRC Designing for the 21st Century Initiative