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Design Responses > About Parking Furniture > Case Studies

The Cyclepod design is an evolution of vertical cycle storage. The design can secure eight bikes in a two metre diameter by allowing the bike to be lifted (along grooves) into a vertical position and secured to metal loops. The Cyclepods are made from recycled aluminium panels and steel. They can be supported with an optional rainproof canopy. The Wallpods (a variation) can be configured along a wall to offer an alternative parking solution and are made from fibre-reinforced plastic.

Typical Context of Use
Typical Cyclepod locations are commercial (workplaces), also hospitals, education and leisure facilities with some residential use.

Typical Length of Stay
Short to medium stay, 0-6hours.

Number of Bikes per Unit
8 (for the Cyclepods).
1+ (for the Wallpods).

Approximate Cost per Bike
£310+ depending on quantity bought.

Locking Opportunities / Lock Compatibility
Good - both wheels and frame can be locked assuming locks can span both wheels and the frame.
Most types of locks can be used with the Cyclepod. However, only locks with a long reach can be used at the top to lock both the wheel and the frame.

Ease of Use / Time to Lock
Placing the bike is relatively straightforward although some people may find it awkward to lift the bike up along the grooves. Also extra wide tyres can cause issues with placing the bike in the grooves.

• Eye catching
• Space occupied is relatively small for number of bikes
• Potential for branding and advertising
• Recycled materials
• Integrated cover

• Larger usage footprint and 360° for access is needed
• Comparatively expensive

Useful References

©2008 // DESIGN AGAINST CRIME RESEARCH CENTRE // LONDON WC1B 4AP fully funded by the AHRC / EPSRC Designing for the 21st Century Initiative