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Design Responses > About Parking Facilities > Case Studies >

Hackney Old Gascoyne Estate
(London UK)

A communal residential underground bike parking facility located in the former clothes drying room of a 1930s block of flats. Access to the bikepark is via a steel entrance door secured with a padlock, for which restricted keys are issued to residents who have signed up to join the estate bike parking 'club'. The windows and doors in the former drying room have been narrowed to provide a more secure bikepark. Parking furniture comprises Sheffield stands + wall mounted stands.

The bikepark accommodates a maximum of 27 bikes, of which 24 are parked vertically on 'WEGA' hangers, mounted high-low on Unistrut-type installation channels with tamper-proof shear nuts. The 'WEGA' hangers feature an integrated locking ring, and are manufactured by Orion Bausysteme GmbH. The remaining three bikes are parked horizontally using two Sheffield-type stands supplied by Broxap. Vertical parking was specified here in order to make the most of an odd-shaped space.

Administration and key issue is done by the landlord. Membership of the bike parking club is free but residents must renew written agreements annually.

London Cycling Campaign in Hackney - HomeBikePark pilot project

Designer / Architect
London Cycling Campaign in Hackney - HomeBikePark pilot project

Cost of provision
£ 4100 including redecoration

• Converting the former drying room, which had previously been informally used by some residents, to formal parking use is a good alternative
• Provides dry place and security and allows users to gain space as they don’t have to park their bike in their home
• Chosen solution balances reasonable security and affordability

• Success of the facility is based on the good relations between Sanctuary Housing/the estate bicycle user
• No support or internal security for the bikes
• Administrative overhead for landlord
• Door security depends on users locking up properly
• Noise of people using bikepark at night can disturb neighbouring flat

Useful References


©2008 // DESIGN AGAINST CRIME RESEARCH CENTRE // LONDON WC1B 4AP fully funded by the AHRC / EPSRC Designing for the 21st Century Initiative